This is what happens when embracing what it means to be a Gulf of Mexico resident and a push-over at the Farmer's Market.  I went with the intention of getting a garlic bulb and some Kale and ended up with an entire bag of garlic that the sweet man selling it had shelled himself.  What was I supposed to do?  Needless to say, there haven't been to many close talkers this week.  
So here's the dinner shown left:
1lb fresh shrimp (I get them to de-headed and do the rest myself)
4 cloves garlic
1 package fresh peas
1 package fresh or frozen lima beans/ butter beans
3 tbsp good olive oil
1/2lb red potatoes
                                                        Shaved Parmesan 
                                                        A bottle of dry bubbly 
1. Set the oven to 350 and get to fixing up the shrimp.  I devein and peel them before I put them in the marinade, but to each their own.
2. Wisk together a pinch of salt and pepper into 1 tbsp of olive oil and the coat the shrimp in that.  After tossing the shrimp pour some bubbly to just cover them and add on of those finally diced cloves of garlic to the party.  Place them in a ceramic or glass container and into the fridge for 20 minutes or so.  
3.  Cut up your potatoes, I do mine into 1/8ths to get them cooking faster, and toss them with diced garlic, 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil, salt, and pepper (always freshly ground).  I like my flavored salts for these, but regular table salt works just fine.  Put them in the oven and turn them every 5-8 minutes just so they aren't getting too brown on any one side.  These took 20 minutes to get fork tender.  
4. In a saute pan get that last 1/2 tbsp of olive oil up over medium heat and start cooking the last of the garlic.  Garlic likes to burn, so make sure you have an eye on it while you rinse the butter-beans/ lima beans and peas.  These should be defrosted if using frozen just so you don't end up with a watery mess.  Once the peas and lima beans are dry add them to the saute pan over medium heat.  Let those sit while you get the other saute pan ready.
5. In which you multi-task a lot, in the second saute pan get the heat up over medium high heat.  I did not use butter the shrimp, as I use non-stick pans, but if not butter is a lovely fat to add to shrimp.  Once that's up and going add the shrimp as quickly as you can so that there isn't too much time between the first and last shrimp.  Those sucker cook FAST and over cooked shrimp resemble rubber.  The nice thing is they tell you when they are done by turning pink.  Once one side turns pink then flip them to the other side so that it's even. (Make sure you are stirring your peas and pull out your potatoes during this time so they aren't horribly hot!)
6.   To plate I did pea mixture with shrimp sitting up on top and then potatoes on the side with a little bit of shaved Parmesan.  

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    I spend a considerable about of time worrying about the state of education and the rest of the time trying to come up with good recipes.


    November 2013

