Happy Post-Halloween!  Typically this is not a holiday that I celebrate with a whole lot of enthusiasm, as it tends to bring out bad behavior in children and skanky behavior in adults.   Besides from the artificially dyed candy and public excuse to run around acting like the teenage dirtbag that has to be (or at least is supposed to be) lurking deep inside the rest of the year, this season also brings out the movies and TV from which I have tried hard to distance myself.  That's right.  Horror ain't my jam.  It's actually the polar opposite of something that seems like a good idea when it comes to things I should consume.  Horror = Kronut hamburger French fry basket of my pop culture consumption.  But as all things that consist of fried decadence, it turns out to be pretty great in the consumption and stick with me long after it's gone.  And, sticking with the food references here, there is also a wide variety of what is decent horror and what is a Big Mac style horror.  I'm a snob and, as such, I like to stick with more of the Kobe beef style horror.  Those films and programs that the New York Times kinda likes (gasp, I know) and that gets brought up in conversations with adults that continue to acquire multiple degrees (because who isn't chasing down the wonderfulness of college).  This has all led to the culmination that I am an American Horror Story fan.  Yep, that so happened.

All of this infatuation started when my husband explained that watching a show about a creepy, old house was not a great life choice for me when home by myself in our very own creepy, old house.  Granted we had our share of unwanted visitors of both the human and insect variety, but I thought I was tough enough to handle it.  Season One marathon started when I was home by myself for a whole 30 minutes and in the middle of a bright sunny day.  Bam! Well, at least I'm a self-aware enough wimp to understand that this warning was not so much for my sake, but for his.  It really doesn't qualify as fair to through myself into full blown hysteria after being freaked out when I had reasonable (and frequent) warnings.  Much to my surprise and his, this was a life changing event that lead to a full love of the show.  

Now, I haven't seen Season 2, since it was almost over before I saw Season 1 and I haven't broken down and just bought it, but hopefully that will be rectified here soon. However, Season 3 has coincided with our move to South, South GA (otherwise known as the Florida Panhandle) and is perfect with all the New Orleans and Cajun references.  Having my formative years happen when Neve Campbell was sporting the witchy, bad girl gig, the whole witch aspect has always seemed more empowering then freaky.   The cast is fantastic, it's beautifully shot, and it keeps twisting in bizarre ways.  This is less of a review and more  of a "you should watch this, really, trust me".  So watch it! While I may be more of a Glee- watching type, this is my preference of Ryan Murphy's creations and the best Horror related product that I can handle. 


    For a Person of Many Trades (All is really pushing it) and a master of a few (lets be honest, I can do some stuff) here's my take on some pop culture, fizzy culture, and mud-puddle cult stuff.  


    November 2013

